Lambing is just around the corner

Lambing is just around the corner, which means spring is on the way. Winter feels long and cold on the farm, particularly without the usual agricultural meetings and shows that normally keep us occupied and full of new ideas through the winter months.

We will soon be back out in the dark checking on sheep at all hours of the day and night, bottle feeding lambs with mothers that aren’t interested and doing everything we can to give every lamb the best chance of survival from the moment they’re born.

Gradually we will get through the few weeks of earlier mornings and later nights and before you know it we will have lambs out in the field once again.

But as some go out, others take their time to lamb. There will be, there always is, one that hangs on until the very end. Every year it feels SO good to get the sheep inside ready for lambing but by the time they go back out we are really ready to get the barn clear and free of sheep once again. Some ewes and lambs stay in the shed a little longer until we know they’re strong enough to survive outside and others just wait until we think it’s all over and then decide it’s their time to lamb.

Each year lambing feels slightly different, but once again we are looking forward to all that comes with lambing and springtime.

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