So much has happened...

Apologies blog readers that we have not been so vocal recently, we have so much to update you on now after a long period of silence. We hope that over the coming year we will be much better at updating our blog on a regular basis to keep you all in the loop!

One of the biggest changes on the farm which has happened since our last blog is that Rosie is now going to be working full time on the farm; she will be working with the sheep (and increasing the flock size!) and continuing work with schools educating children outside and teaching children where their food comes from. Also, over the coming year Rosie will be doing Forest Schools Training to further equip her for visits from school groups, scouts, brownies and other groups who wish to come to the farm.  

Another exciting change is our new office block. We have converted the old barn opposite the farm office into 3 new offices. We have two offices currently available to let, do get in touch if you know anyone who might like to rent one. 

The harvest is nearly ready! We are at the wonderful time of the year where we can see the hard work from the last 12 months paying off. The fields have turned a lovely golden brown colour and the plants are dying off. It is soon time to harvest. We did not grow any rapeseed this year so our harvest will start with the wheat, hopefully at the start of next week or maybe even at the end of this week! It will be a full-on busy time of year with all hands on deck to get the harvest in. Keep praying for the fine weather for us, it makes this time of year much easier!

The hens are going through a slow laying period at the moment, we have got new ones to add to our flock which we hope will start laying in the next week or so. The honesty box is kept topped up as much as possible, if you find there are no eggs then please do pop down the lane and find one of us. The worst that can happen is we'll say there really is no eggs, the hens are on strike!

Finally, we are in the process of planning our next open day. We have got many fantastic ideas for Saturday 24th September, clear your diaries and come along for the day. It has been great fun in the past and it is sure to be another good one this September. 

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